Amazing Bridge in Indian state of Meghalaya

Deep in the rainforests of the Indian state of Meghalaya, bridges are not built, they’re grown. Some of the bridges are over a 100 feet long and can support the weight of 50 or more people. The Cherrapunji region is one of the wettest places in the world with many fast-flowing rivers and streams, making these bridges invaluable to those who live in the region.Since the area receives around 15 metres of rain every year, a normal wooden bridge would quickly rot. As the growing bridges are alive and still growing, they actually gain strength over time. 

For more than 500 years locals have guided roots and vines from the native Ficus Elastica (rubber tree) across rivers, using hollowed out trees to create root guidance systems. When the roots and vines reach the opposite bank they are allowed to take root.