Bill Gates House

Bill Gates house is a large mansion in the side of a hill which is overlooking Lake Washington, in the exclusive suburb of Medina, Washington,USA.It took 7 years to build and cost $63 million.
Billionaire Bill Gates home has advenced electronic systems and it has a designs more likely of 18t h and 19th century mansions.Although it has classic home style,it has many amazing qualities.For example when you came home,lights would automatically come on.
For Bill Gates House,I wıll give some features about this amazing home:I said some,because this home has many many features.
-Swimmers can dive under a glass wall and emerge outdoors by a terrace
-Hidden cameras are everywhere, including the interior stone walls
-The roofing is stainless steel
-The theater (underground in a concrete shell) is the most state of the art theatre in the world according to specialty contractor
-Gates insisted on saving a 40 year old maple adjacent to the driveway. The tree is monitored electronically 24 hours per day via computer. If it seems dry, it gets just the right amount of water automatically delivered
-exercise room
-outdoor sports courts
To sum up I can't imagine living in a house that size. It is really beautiful. I'd love to see the inside. It must be an amazing site at night with the lights on. I love that Bill put the house right on the water.Beautiful!